
Showing posts from June, 2017

Welcome to Lionel Loves Abby

I first met Abby in 1998.  Her brother used to pick up comics at the Paperback Bazaar, a bookstore that remains to this day one of the coolest places I've been to. We talked briefly about comics.  She was into the Chester Brown - Seth - Clowes variety, while I was sullenly reading Lucifer. Fast forward to 2003, when I was on the outs with my ex-fianc ée.  We spoke again briefly at Bull Moose Records, and then she went to California for several years. Life happened.  She was over there doing her thing helping her uncle, a real estate magnate.  On my side, little worthwhile was happening.  I got suckered into two weeks near captivity in a condo the owner was trying to evict my "landlord" from, then tried to consult on a 1500-website project but wound up stuffed in an apartment over an antique store with an ever-growing collection of closeout antiques .  I had a girlfriend briefly after that until I biked 19 miles one summer weekend, work uniform stuffed in my shirt, o